Week 18 – the end is near!

Another interrupted Wednesday evening – so here is the “weekly update” where there are two weeks after this delivery for the main season. One of the unusual crops here isn’t really edible – our decor squash. They are essentially ready any time. Because they are decor and not edible (well, it is possible that you… Continue reading Week 18 – the end is near!

Week 17 of 20 – main season last four weeks!

First, sorry for missing the regularly scheduled update of Wednesday – distractions happen and when you lose your flow it all falls apart… So, here is a better-late-than-ever weekly update. Squash. This is the Winter Squash official four week window. Obviously, Gill’s Pippen went out last week, but this week you either get farmer’s choice… Continue reading Week 17 of 20 – main season last four weeks!

Winter Week 7

You may be getting fatigued at the exuberance, but this season’s weather is so stellar, especially in contrast to last year! The critical thing now is to be a bit patient for the correct time on things. So: Start seeds that need to be 8 week before last frost: done. Start seeds that need to… Continue reading Winter Week 7

Week 6 already!

Some nice weather, and all the plants that were waiting in trays have made it into the ground – the main beds are starting to look like they were supposed to be in May! The front row in the above picture shows just how miserably the green beans germinated. New seed, sprouted in the trays… Continue reading Week 6 already!