Hi Folks… After a week of moving to a new computer with a new operating system things are running well enough to actually get back to CSA pestering emails. Errr. Highly informative and enjoyable email sharing what is happening at the CSA… Right? Three things really need to be covered in this update… Progress towards… Continue reading February is cold and wet and snowy.
Category: CSA
All about the CSA
Brief Update Jan 14
Updated the mail list – if you don’t want on the email list, let us know! Short update: Winter season starts week of Feb. 17 – if you want in, it is limited to 8 members, personal share only, limited delivery possible. There will be another longer update in a couple weeks with more detail.… Continue reading Brief Update Jan 14
January 2025 Update
January. Time for those (these?) exciting monthly updates to come popping out. The main focus of this update is to tell you the times and such, with a brief note about progress on crops and ‘what-not.’ We are pretty good at tying what-nots. So: Here’s the ‘schedule’ for 2025: In 2025, memorial day is… Continue reading January 2025 Update
Pre-2025 Monthly update… sorta.
Hope you all are enjoying the holiday time – have yourself an amazing Christmas! Meanwhile, this is more of an opportunity for you to give some helpful guidance to the planning for the CSA for 2025. It may not of been clear or obvious, but the CSA and indeed our time at Shilofarm were teetering… Continue reading Pre-2025 Monthly update… sorta.
Winter Season started this week…
Here we go, Winter Season is underway! There are five of you, which is good because there was a big shortfall in the starts for the season – lots of winter kill. That said, for you folks there is some nice produce for this first week. Winter season is a bit of a gamble every… Continue reading Winter Season started this week…
CSA February “official” monthly update
It’s getting pretty real here right now – Winter season starts the 24th of February – there are four people (the limit this year) signed up – although one more might sneak in. A separate “welcome to the winter season” is going out later this week – if you think you are in the winter… Continue reading CSA February “official” monthly update
January 2024 CSA Stuff…
January 3 – hope you all had a wonderful holiday time – here at the farm the draft horse pigged out on really nasty windfall apples, and farmcraft sprang forth on a couple of fronts – some very nice embroidery, for example, and more pots and planters… But enough of that farmcraft (unless you are… Continue reading January 2024 CSA Stuff…
December ’23 CSA monthly update
Hi you interested folks you…. Here’s the monthly update – a quick summary: planting and preparation for the winter season is underway – the longer lead items are up and growing. Target start is mid February, farm call only but not limited to Saturday. Now, the rest of the story… (Paul Harvey from a really… Continue reading December ’23 CSA monthly update
C’est Finis, N’est Pas? (this is the last week)
(For some reason there is a compulsion to drag out high school french for the last week of the year) Here we all are – scraping out the last of the veggies for the delivery this week! Meanwhile the rather large job of putting the garden to bed is ongoing, and the preparations for winter… Continue reading C’est Finis, N’est Pas? (this is the last week)
November Monthly Update 2023
Howdy! Just a wrap up note for your reading pleasure as the dark of winter sets in… The current season is nearly done – last delivery is a week from Friday, as a matter of fact. This is a bit of a what worked, what didn’t work, and what are our plans for next year.… Continue reading November Monthly Update 2023