Here it comes – this is the first of the eight Winter season weekly pickings, which is very exciting, at least if you are craving some excellent greens. The very earliest plantings for this season happened November 10th. The lesson learned in 2021 was that cool and dark (winter is starting in November, so far as the garden is concerned) slows down everything. The answer to that is to start the lettuce, in particular, four weeks earlier than the envelope claims. You ‘reap’ the benefit of this, since the lettuces are quite large…

The cabbage planted to overwinter is also of good size, and the Spinach as well – in fact, the spinach is considering if it should go to seed, which isn’t very desirable.
In point of fact, there have been many trays started, all of which are on roughly a four-week cycle. Returning to the discussion of lettuce, the fourth planting happened 2/1 with the intention of being accessible in about 9-12 weeks.

The list of “what is in the box will follow, of course. However, in the interests of clarity here are the ‘logistics.’
- There are three of you whom will get delivery strictly because you are on the way to the bank (or you are at the bank) and Grocery store for the things that can’t be grown. It is impossible to find toothpaste seed. Those deliveries will happen near noon on Friday.
- Farm Call, which is for the other five of you, nominally is between the hours of 10 and noon on Saturday. One of you wants a pre-picked box, that can be done for any of you, or you can “point and shoot” your selections. Note that “nominally” means that if you cannot arrive between 10 and noon just text and make arrangements. Text always gets read at once, and reply comes ASAP. FB Message or Email are not as timely. One of you may need to take off for the weekend – if so, a Friday or a Monday can be arranged as an exception.
- Generally, these are clean veggies – that is, the greenhouse is pretty free of insects and slugs at the present. That said, wise members thoroughly clean to get rid of unwanted protein, and chill in a humidity protection device (zip lock bag) their greens. Mustard greens and Chard are notorious for wilting in minutes – especially if kept in a warm environment. You bought great fresh veggies, be kind to them.
It is wonderful to have you participate in the winter garden. After wandering the produce aisle at “big grocery” and seeing price and quality and selection it seems you ought to be very pleased. It would be great if you have friends and/or neighbors to encourage to check the CSA out – there will be a part time “resilient Newton” on staff this year, and four new members are needed to help pay her salary!

In the Box Week 1 of Winter
Lettuce | Red Iceberg or Winter Density |
Cabbage | Large Green (alcosa) or small red (Primero, probably give out two) |
Roots | Cherry Belle Radish – mildly spicy, 3-4 per box |
Greens | Small Leaf Mustard (curly or southern giant – pretty sweet, not spicy) Baby Turnips (nice size leaf, good for soup or? Bulb is still very small Spinach – nice size, good flavor Baby Bok Choi if you ask; Baby Asian Mustard if you ask. Both should really wait a bit. |
Herbs | Probably none till second 4 weeks – still pretty small. Parsley, Chives, Cilantro, Basil, Cress and Arugula coming. |
Coming soon… Chard, Kale, Beets – beet greens before the bulbs, Carrots. And lots more lettuce of different varieties.
Let’s roll!