This is the final delivery week for 2021; the extended season is wrapped up. Anecdote: My maternal Grandfather was in the army right at the very end of WWI. He told me that he was on a train to the front when the French came pouring out shouting “Finis La Guerre! Finis la Guerre!” Now, why does this matter? Well, when I see this week come around I recite “Finis la Guerre.” The war is finished, eh?
Now you know. And, of course, this makes no impact whatsoever on what actually ends up in your box this week. There are some limitations, of course, and the nasty weather the last few weeks make for the loss of a few things. Tomatoes are in the process of being removed from the greenhouse. In so doing, there are a couple of trays of green slicers sitting on the floor in the sun room of the house. To wit:

You might notice that there are fruit that are changing color – the tray on the left was just brought in 11/16; the tray on the right has been sitting there for a week. This means that when you see the big green tomato in your box let it sit for a week or so (maybe till Thanksgiving) to finish getting ripe. Not as sweet as true vine ripe, but pretty good nonetheless. Some of those big slicers are Hillbilly or Buffalo Beefsteak Yellow – they will be yellow with a blush.
The sad thing is that the horrible rain the last week or so pretty much ruined what was supposed to be the last week of Cauliflower. The Broccoli is marginally better; the cabbage is still in a loose head stage. Actually, there are a very few reasonable cabbage, but even those are small. The out door lettuce is also small, but the Speckles has a good leaf. The Italienischer which has been going out the last two weeks is pretty shot.
What a depressing situation, eh? Well, here is what is out there – there are small potatoes that will be in your box, carrots which are good, beets, some Kale, Spinach, a very few cherry tomatoes, green onions, a bit of Broccoli, your continuous stream of apples and green squash, and Sweet Potatoes… that about wraps it up.
Some of you wonder what happened to the famous Candy Roaster Squash, and the Turban Squash. Those literally did not make it at all. The Kobucha (Cha Cha) squash ran rampant, and there were a few of the Delictica and some butternut. Not many. There needs to be some modification to the garden plan assuming that the late winter and bleeding hot summers continue. In early December there will be a wrap up and forward looking new posting sent to the “interested and past member” email list. The wins and the not so good experiences will be mentioned at that time, as well as a rough set of plans for 2022.
And, as promised, here is your reminder to set out your box for pickup at the regularly scheduled deliver time. The annual “thank you” gift will be given at that time…
And in-the-box week 6 Extended Season:
Greens | Surviving Lettuce. Spinach. White and/or Red Chard; Kale; – Broccoli or Cauliflower – maybe. A couple of very small heads of cabbage may show up in a lucky member or so boxes. Beets for greens or to cook. Small potatoes. |
Crunchies | Carrots. All that are left… |
Herbs | Garlic, Parsley, Arugula, Green Onions (not in good shape – too wet), Chives (ask), |
Other | Cherry Tomatoes, maybe. Slicer tomatoes: Green as grass; let them sit on your counter.
4-6 apples… almost gone. Green skin winter squash. larger sweet potatoes. |
It’s been fun; hope you enjoyed the season(s)…
finis la guerre!