First day of “summer” and winter left yesterday… Spring? What Spring…
Here we go.
Frantically throwing plants into the ground now that the temps are up and looking good. This Spring totally flummoxed the garden – what was out didn’t thrive, and what was in just barely met the needs. In theory, this is all behind is more-or-less, and now to find out what the rest of the season will bring. Flowers, for one thing. The buds have been hanging on the roses refusing to open until there was no choice – open or burst. As soon as it got even close to warm, the show has begun. The chief flower person claims that you all will be getting a rose this week – there are some amazing colors out there. And, of course, now that the dog has passed away the deer came up last night and did a little pruning. Chief flower person was not amused.

The one main crop which is just on the threshold is potatoes. If you are new to the CSA, you will find that the simple veggies like Potatoes are capable of a pretty broad set of expressions – not just color, but the cooking texture, the jacket, and the really amazing flavor of fresh. The crop which went out in week 3 were a random assortment of left over spuds from 2021 – this week starts the “official” potato bed. Note that the first couple of weeks will be probably small. The plan for tomorrow is a mix of (Baby) Red Norland and Huckleberry. Both of these are a ‘wax’ potato, very thin skin – quantity will be 1/2 pint for personal, full pint for full share.

Peas are also coming into their own – quantity this week should be about the same as last; a bit of heat should sweeten the pods nicely. Bok Choi and Cabbage. Well, last week about half the cabbage was still extremely loose. The Bok Choi is doing well, although there are a few of you who don’t do brassica. Carrots are gone for now, beets are gone for now… The lettuce this week will still be those small heads of winter density. It says right on the seed pack “small heads.” That is a mistake in planting, as the idea was to plant Newham and Red Sails, both large heads. Those two, as well as Cegolaine and Red Iceberg are going to be available in week 5.
Some of you do not ‘do’ facebook – which is very understandable. That said, it gives a reasonable excuse to show you a picture of Beatrice Cow and her newest contribution to the farm – sex unknown. When an inspection was going to be done Beatrice made it abundantly clear that there is an appropriate distance, and it is further than you are right now.

And, it is worth mentioning that a lot of plants and seeds are going out – tomatoes are aiming for the fourth of July, beans are up, peppers and celery are going in the ground… and the garden looks like it should in April. Sigh.
The list for this week:
Lettuce | Winter Density – small heads (which is what they are supposed to be) this week. New lettuce is coming. Real Soon Now. |
Brassicas | Bok Choi, More cabbage. Will spread it around. |
Roots | yeah. about that. Check back in week 7… |
Greens | Mustard … getting to the end of life – smaller leaf, plants are very leggy. New Mustard in 2-3 weeks Chard – Red or White, smaller leaf. New chard in 3-4 weeks. Spinach – New Spinach is 4-5 weeks. Arugula – A bit less than last week. But still quite a bit. |
Herbs | Mint, Oregano, Chives, Cilantro – not a huge amount. Parsley, Basil, Celery leaves – if you want more or less speak up… |
Misc | Asparagus, more snap peas. New Potatoes – Red Norland, Huckleberry. Flower of the week: Rose. |
Coming very soon: Small bulb onions, Tomatoes in about 2-3 weeks. Cucumbers are growing finally. New radishes planted and up, Turnips, Beets as well. Radishes in 3 weeks, Turnip greens in about 5 weeks depending on weather. No strawberries this year… Freeze and the wrong time. Bummer. TBD on Raspberries, Boysen Berries are showing young fruit though.
Summer happens this week. It might only be a week this year, but it has come. ;/