Week 1 of the main season is here – and the garden enjoyed a couple of days that are close to what Spring was supposed to be back around April 15. You may get tired of hearing this, but it seriously impacted “The Plan,” up to and including not even planting some of the high risk/long ripening things like melons. In theory, there are 10 weeks of peak light and heat from the start of June – the plants that need 12 weeks are just plain out of luck.

The good news is that there are things that are great and are growing. Potatoes, despite being burned to the ground by frost a couple of times, are on track. Two ‘secret stash’ beds were planted and protected from those late frosts – which is where the green season was getting a few baby potatoes. Now, potatoes sound mundane if you are new to the CSA – in actual practice the varieties planted and the freshness make a major difference. The ‘new potatoes’ which were planted in the greenhouse should be harvested for you this week and perhaps next week. The 16′ bed outside will follow, then the main bed will be ready to go. By the way – a mole has attacked the potato bed – while digging up his run, a loose red potato which obviously was being rolled by the mole was found. Rascal.

Bok Choi from the greenhouse, Asparagus, Carrots – all are in fine shape. There will be a gap after these carrots planted in the greenhouse are gone – the outside carrots were waiting for the bed to be prepared – which is happening right now. The designated carrot bed has been extremely wet – each week in may has been getting between 1 and 3 inches of rain. The small tractor was taken out into the ‘4 acre field’ (the official name) and promptly started to sink. It was a bit concerning there for a moment.
Raised beds have done great – but there is a limit to the number of beds which can be made raised. There are 18 80’x4′ beds like the carrot bed which will be or are planted now – setting out root-bound starts that should of gone out in April is going on ASAP. The garden is mowed between beds, and the rain/wind combo put a two week gap in the mowing. That is (or was) nasty to fix – still not done.
All that to say – you will be getting a mix of greenhouse and outside veggies here on. The Mustard and Chard are getting close to done – Mustard will be reseeded, it is a great cool season green. Those of you who ‘don’t want Mustard’ should try adding it to a salad. The mustard taste and bite fade, and it makes the salad have character. The White chard will be ready in a week or so, outside red chard as well.
And one last reminder: The ‘nominal’ herbs are usually small portions. That said, if you are planning an enchilada casserole and want a quart bag of Cilantro – that is easily accomplished! When you see the herb list – farmer’s choice is a sandwich baggie with a sprig of most – more or less – just ask via email or in person. The celery leaf option is good for your soup…

Have fun with your veggies!
So – the “in the box” list:
Lettuce | Winter Density (smaller green heads), possibly Newham Romaine, Possibly Winter Brown (fast wilt…) |
Brassicas | Bok Choi – getting bigger every week… |
Roots | Carrots – one or two per; few Beets left. There will be a gap in roots after these are done. New potatoes a root? – 1/2 pint per. |
Greens | Mustard … getting to the end of life – smaller leaf, plants are very leggy. New Mustard in 4-5 weeks. Chard – Smaller red leaf; White leaf coming. Spinach – Reserved for members who are Mustard or Chard phobic. Arugula – Lots of it available – trying to make sure the “lots of Arugula people” are getting, well, lots. Ask. Vit – Nobody asks, so “farmer’s choice” is happening. Usually in a 1/2 pint till. Small, dark green leaf. |
Herbs | Mint, Oregano, Chives, Cilantro – lots?, Parsley, Mustard Flower, Basil, Celery leaf (s) if you ask. |
Misc | Asparagus portion, there are a few stalks of small Rhubarb – must ask. |
Coming very soon: Cabbage, Snap Peas (currently, very few flat and small pods, as of 5/31), small bulb onions (“Crystal White”)…