Shilofarm May Monthly

April has come and gone, here we are in May – and still having more than expected weather that challenges the garden. The Green Season members are getting that news weekly – in particular with the delayed maturation of outside planted crops. It seems that once or twice a week there is enough dry to keep doing weeding, tilling and bed prep – but in between (as an example, 5/5) there are days with an inch or so of rain. So – where does that put the garden?

The greenhouse is completing a transition from Green Season crops to Main Season crops. Tomatoes, cukes, some herbs and even a few potatoes and bok choi. The potatoes are an experiment which is actually working out – curious farmers poke under the ground and find itty bitty potatoes which will be in the first couple of weeks of the main season.

Outside has lettuces, snap peas, cabbage and onions. There are some very nice Parsley and Cilantro out there – and right now Asparagus is getting going really well. While doing Friday pick the concern about small heads of lettuce was so distracting that Asparagus was forgotten for the Wednesday pick until after the first box was delivered – at which point a return to the garden was required to actually do the Asparagus harvest. There is some concern about stress causing an inability to keep track… The Asparagus eaten at the farm was amazingly good, by the way.

Dwarf Kale. Sigh. Not supposed to be!

One big problem that was a surprise is that the Spring Kale grew small and immediately went to seed. The below temperature average with a few warm days just hopelessly confused it. The plan for now is to re-start Kale – but there are so many other seedlings that need to be set out that may not happen.

Carrots and Beets holding out in a Tomato bed

Carrots and Beets are doing great in the greenhouse – probably they will be done and gone before Main season starts. The plan is that when a weather break happens that they will be started in their outside bed. There are large trays of Broccoli and Cauliflower and Cabbage that will be set out next week, so the brassica department is in good shape. There are also four trays (roughly “a lot”) of summer squash yearning to be in the ground, as well as beautiful young peppers and eggplant. Sweet Potato starts are sitting in a bucket while their bed waits for the paper mulch to arrive from Colorado. Incidentally, paper mulch is heavy and large: Shipping is almost as expensive as the paper itself.

Rain. Lots and lots of rain.

“All of this has happened before, and all this will happen again…” Spring in the PNW is filled with garden hazards. The good news? The seedlings are ready, and they are going out and you will be getting some good stuff both in the last three weeks of Green Season and in the main season right around the corner. There are a number of you who will be getting your first boxes when June rolls around – and that is exciting – hope you are expecting it to come! If you are just lurking on the emails, well, that is okay as well. If you want to join, it would be awesome to have you. According the farm records and the Grand Plan there is room for 5 more members in the main season. Join up, you will be very welcome!

Shilofarm Fruits and Veggies!

By Doug

--- 'farmer doug' is the planner and heavy lifter for the CSA and the LLC. Loves to teach; "ask him the time, he'll tell you how to make a clock." Always has a new idea to try, some of which work. BTW - if you try and phone call, and you are NOT in his caller ID you will not be answered - just leave a message and you will be called right back.

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