
To achieve aggressive tilth development in the Rose Paddock, Gravelly Paddock, and CSA Garden with a target of 0.9 inches per year (±0.25 inches) for the paddocks and 1 inch per year for the garden. This plan incorporates tailored soil-building strategies, resource applications, and crop cycles to maximize soil fertility and structure.


1. Rose Paddock

  • Current State: Sod with invasive wild rose and limited organic matter.
  • Objective: Aggressively disrupt wild rose growth while building tilth with organic matter and green manure crops.


  1. Flail Mowing:
    • Chop and reduce existing sod and rose stems to manageable debris.
  2. Shallow Plowing (4–6 inches):
    • Disrupt sod and wild rose root systems without deep soil inversion.
  3. Raking (Basket Rake):
    • Remove rose debris and root fragments to reduce regrowth risk.
  4. Drag Harrowing:
    • Smooth and lightly compact the soil for seedbed preparation.
  5. Spring Planting:
    • Drill crimson clover (15–20 lbs/acre) and annual ryegrass (20–25 lbs/acre) to establish a nitrogen-fixing, tilth-enhancing cover crop.
  6. Fall Cycle:
    • Flail mow spring growth in late summer, followed by drilling winter rye (60–90 lbs/acre) as a fall cover crop.

Resource Inputs:

  • Chicken compost to provide an initial nutrient boost for the spring cycle.


  • Annual Tilth Growth: ~0.9 inches.
  • Three-Year Cumulative Gain: ~2.5–2.7 inches.

2. Gravelly Paddock

  • Current State: Gravelly loam with poor organic matter and limited tilth.
  • Objective: Establish organic matter cycling through sheet mulch and green manure crops.


  1. Sheet Mulching:
    • Apply 6–8 inches of poor or damaged hay as mulch to suppress weeds and add organic matter.
  2. Hand Broadcasting:
    • Spread crimson clover and annual ryegrass seed over the mulch layer.
  3. Topdressing:
    • Lightly cover seeds with a thin layer of composted chicken manure to anchor them and improve germination.
  4. Fall Cycle:
    • Incorporate residue with light harrowing in late summer, then drill winter rye as a fall cover crop.

Resource Inputs:

  • Local compost, enhanced with biochar if available, for targeted problem areas.


  • Annual Tilth Growth: ~0.9 inches.
  • Three-Year Cumulative Gain: ~2.5–2.7 inches.

3. CSA Garden

  • Current State: High-priority, intensively managed production area with some organic matter deficits.
  • Objective: Build tilth aggressively with biochar-enhanced compost and crop rotations.


  1. Compost Application:
    • Apply local compost enhanced with biochar to increase nutrient retention and soil organic matter.
  2. Tillage:
    • Shallowly incorporate compost with a garden tiller to avoid disturbing deeper soil layers.
  3. Crop Rotation:
    • Implement a rotation of spring green manures (crimson clover + annual ryegrass) and fall cover crops (winter rye) to build tilth and fertility.

Resource Inputs:

  • Additional chicken compost as needed to supplement nutrients for high-demand crops.


  • Annual Tilth Growth: ~1 inch.
  • Three-Year Cumulative Gain: ~3 inches.

Expected Outcomes

Paddock Annual Tilth Growth Three-Year Cumulative Gain Key Benefits
Rose Paddock ~0.9 inches ~2.5–2.7 inches Weed suppression, organic matter incorporation, and wild rose control.
Gravelly Paddock ~0.9 inches ~2.5–2.7 inches Increased organic matter from mulch and cycling of green manure roots.
CSA Garden ~1 inch ~3 inches Intensive compost management for high fertility and rapid soil improvement.

Value Statement

The operations plan ensures aggressive tilth development, targeting 0.9 inches per year for the paddocks and 1 inch per year for the CSA Garden. Over three years, cumulative tilth gains are projected at ~2.5–2.7 inches for the paddocks and ~3 inches for the garden, meeting or exceeding the stated objective.

This plan optimizes labor, resources, and ecological practices to enhance soil health and productivity sustainably.